Hello, task list fans!

This service aims to provide a range of solutions for keeping and managing your daily tasks.

Tdoo Zero

Tdoo Zero

Tdoo version 0 (v0.1) is a simple todo application made with React.JS it uses local browser storage to keep your notes.
Note: Cashe or localStorage cleaning will delete all your tasks, so be cautious.

Try it out »

Tdoo One

Tdoo One - in progress

Tdoo version 1 (v1.0) is an improved version with more functionalities, uses NoSQL database and it does not require from you to register. Anyone who has uniquely generated #HASH code dan access the list.

Tdoo Two

Tdoo Two - in progress

Tdoo version 2 (v2.0) will be a "Todoist" simplified replica. It won't have most of the functionalities it is just there to practice tricky React.JS scenarios and best practices.